Why Use Closemytimeshare.com To Handle Your Timeshare Closing Process?

Unlike our competitors, Closemytimeshare.com is licensed to issue title insurance and has attorney partnerships in multiple states. Click Here to view our service area map. Further, we are attorney owned. Why is this important? Unlike our competitors, our attorney-owner is licensed to practice law in the District of Columbia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. Additionally, we have in-house attorneys licensed in Virginia, Maryland, Georgia and Tennessee. This is important because several of those areas require an attorney admitted to practice in that state to conduct the closing and prepare the closing documents. After all, what does a Florida licensed attorney know about real estate laws in places like Hawaii?
For states where our attorney is not licensed to practice law, we contract with attorneys in those local areas to prepare the "legally" correct documents. Whether or not you get title insurance, at least you know your deed was prepared in the correct manner by a local licensed attorney. The documents are not just "attorney reviewed" as many claim. This ensures that you have the correct deed and that the proper procedures were followed in transferring your title!
Our competitors do not realize (or maybe they do and choose not to care) that preparing legal documents in states where you are not licensed to practice law could be considered the Unauthorized Practice of Law.
PCS Holdings fees are comparable to that of the competition, while offering you a fully licensed title agency and support to close your timeshare transaction. Thank you for the trust and confidence you have placed in our company in handling your timeshare order.
The choice should be simple... Closemytimeshare.com is looking out for your best interest!
Contact us Today!: Toll Free: (800) 973-3316